Wagner, Linda - S 865
Wagner, Ramon - S 211
Wagner, Vincent - S 948
Wahl, Louis - S 293
Waldmer, Kyle - S 108
Walkner, Kathleen - S 865
Walloch, Christopher - S 908
Walrath, Robin - S 677
Walton, Joseph - S 890, 922
Wambach, Honorable Judge Ronald - S 865
Wanderer, Gertrude Anna - S 211
Wandschneider, Peg - S 580
Wanless, Dennis - S 865
Waranius, Alexander Scott - S 580
Ward, Clara, Singers - S 318
Ward, John T. - S 678
Warnick, Adele - S 20
Washington County Daily News - S 293
Washington Elementary School (Oshkosh) - S 389
Waukesha West High School academic decathletes - S 149
Waxon, Leonard and Marion - S 211
WE Energies - S 536
Weber, John - S 244
Weber, Jonathan - S 678
Webster Stanley Middle School (Oshkosh) - S 939
Wedde, Sharon L. - S 318
Wedell, Jonathan - S 770
Wegner, Ann - S 244
Wehrhahn, Steven Karl - S 66
Weigel, Michael - S 678
Weiner, Eric - S 580
Weishaar, Elizabeth E. (Hawkinson) - S 291
Weiss, Elizabeth - S 865
Weissgerber, Hans III - S 66
Weisshaar, Carl A. - S 66
Weitenbeck, Catherine A. - S 244
Welhouse, Aaron James - S 389
Wells, Ann - S 580
Wells, Geraldine - S 244
Wellstone, Sheila, Institute - S 318
Wendt, Lisa - S 865
Wendy's - S 536
Wentworth, Bernard C. "Bernie" - S 939
Wereley, Brian - S 580, 678
West Bend Area Chapter of the AARP - S 244
West Bend Art Museum - S 865, 890
West Bend Cookware division of Regal Ware - S 893
West End Development Corporation - S 211
West Milwaukee, Village of - S 939
Wetts, Katie - S 150
Weyker, Brandon - S 865
Whereatt, Bryce - S 865
White, Joanne - S 890
White Lake Elementary School - S 434
Whitsett, Sue - S 434
Wickler, Charles - S 244
Wied, Joshua - S 211
Wiese, Glen and Lola (Petersen) - S 434
Wiesolek, Jarrett - S 771
Wild, Jeffrey Paul - S 890
Wilden, Alexander Masato - S 66
Wilhelmi, Elna (Baehr) - S 921
Wilkinson, Linda - S 389
Williams, Craig - S 922
Williams Bedrock Bovines, Inc. - S 207
Wilson, Janelle - S 865
Wilson, Stacie - S 865
Winter, Elmer and Hope Melamed - S 244
Winter, Garret - S 244
Winter, Town of - S 342
Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence - S 318, 908
Wisler, Nicholas - S 890
Wisniewski, Adam William - S 318
WITI-Fox 6 (television) - S 893
Wittmann, Brittany - S 865
WMCS Radio, 1290 - S 244, 580
Wojcik, Hunter - S 939
Wojcik, Tyler - S 771
Wolf, Alexander David - S 342
Wolf, Connie - S 865
Wolff, Arnie W. - S 922
Wolff, Michael - S 536
Women's Equality Day - S 922
Woodford, Jason - S 865
Woods, Mattiebelle - S 108
Workers Memorial Day - S 211
Wotjowicz, Marcus - S 211
Wright, Nathan J. - S 434
Wrobleski, Danielle - S 211